Category: News

Mountain range with a calm lake reflecting the peaks and a tall plant with pink flowers in the foreground.

Ecologist Erika Zavaleta elected Fellow of the Ecological Society of America

A woman wearing a two-toned shawl and a turquoise necklace smiles at the camera outdoors.

March 01, 2018By Tim Stephens Erika Zavaleta, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz, has been elected as a fellow of the Ecological Society of America in recognition of her contributions to the science of ecology. ESA Fellows are members who have made outstanding contributions to a wide range of fields served by…Continue Reading Ecologist Erika Zavaleta elected Fellow of the Ecological Society of America

Two UCSC biologists receive Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor awards

Woman with short dark hair and glasses, wearing a blue sweater, stands with arms folded and smiles.

Biology professors Beth Shapiro and Erika Zavaleta won HHMI funding for their innovative science education proposals December 13, 2017By Tim Stephens With funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), biologists at UC Santa Cruz will be using biodiversity surveys and field research to get more students engaged in science. Beth Shapiro and Erika Zavaleta, both professors…Continue Reading Two UCSC biologists receive Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor awards

Coastal Stream Restoration Projects

Map of California's coastal regions showing ecological restoration sites, human-oriented sites, and research/monitoring sites from Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara.

Coastal stream restoration projects concentrated where residents are ‘whiter, wealthier, and more educated,’ researchers find. Disparity in distribution evident from Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara April 10, 2018By Jennifer McNulty Stream restoration efforts along the coast of Central California are unevenly distributed, with activity more likely to occur in areas that are more highly populated and…Continue Reading Coastal Stream Restoration Projects


Two people examining a container of liquid by the shore with "CAMINO" text banner overlay.

The Center to Advance Mentored, Inquiry-Based Opportunities (CAMINO) is an inclusive community that aims to propel excellence by diverse undergraduates in ecology and conservation.Our goals are to:…Continue Reading CAMINO

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program

A person in a green cap looks through a window. There is a blue strip with the UC Santa Cruz logo and text.

The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at UCSC exposes early-career college students to the field of environmental conservation through field research, leadership and professional training. Each year, we select 20 students from around the U.S. and its territories to participate in our two-year conservation leadership program. Our students represent a diverse spectrum of cultures and backgrounds,…Continue Reading Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program